Depression Therapy in Simi Valley

You know you want lasting change and that you need to believe in yourself again.
Get Started now

You have a deep sadness that won’t go away. And sometimes it’s so intense that you can’t help but feel out of control.

It’s like your brain is a container for all of your mental clutter. And you’re stuck in a cycle of self-criticism and self-doubt.

You know you need direction. You know you need a plan. You know you want lasting change and that you need to believe in yourself again.

You haven’t felt like yourself lately. In fact, you’re often feeling so distraught you wonder if you’re ever going to feel that same joy again as you did before.

Restlessness is a close companion, and you can’t remember the last time you got a decent night of sleep. You’ve tried numerous times to pull yourself out of the dull and hopeless feelings that are dragging you down, but they just seem so all-encompassing, and it can feel too powerful at times.

Lately, everything you do feels like a chore.

You’ve been trying to rise above the emotional waves, but a bleak, overwhelming feeling keeps pulling you under.

You’re suffering inside, and don’t know how much longer you can keep going this way. You would love to be able to re-engage in your life, but you feel so bad about yourself and what you are going through, that you find yourself wondering if you might never feel like yourself again.

A lot of the time you feel like your life has completely gotten away from you.

And you wonder if you’ll ever be able to be happy again. You’re tired of feeling disconnected from yourself and the people and things you love. You truly want to step out of the mental fog and grayness and into the light of joy again.

A lot of the time you feel like your life has completely gotten away from you.

And you wonder if you’ll ever be able to be happy again. You’re tired of feeling disconnected from yourself and the people and things you love. You truly want to step out of the mental fog and grayness and into the light of joy again.
Woman experiencing symptoms of depression and sadness in need of depression therapy Simi Valley, Ca

To be able to feel an appreciation for life and the experience of living it to its fullest.

But you have no idea how to step up and steer yourself in a new direction. You never imagined you’d feel so lost and unlike yourself. And you certainly didn’t expect that your sadness would impact every bit of your life.

When You Seek Support for Dealing with Depression from Simi Psychological Group

You will find a way to feel comfortable as yourself again
You will have the tools and skills to take an active role in your life
You will be better able to engage again with the people and things that give you joy
You will enjoy connecting with yourself and others
You will feel more confident and capable of navigating your life

The Depression Treatment Process

Therapy for Depression is intended to help you gain insight into what each area of your life is trying to tell you. We work with you to see the whole picture, as one single area affects all of the others.
To do this, we incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Techniques to help you gain tools that can help you overcome what’s holding you back. We also help you process the deeper rooted obstacles you face and help you develop a new narrative for your life. We work with you to look at the various parts of your world, from home life to parenting, from marriage to career, from your extended family to your individual concerns. So that you can see exactly where your emotional struggles stem from.
You and your therapist will meet together weekly for 50-minute sessions. Typically, counseling continues for a minimum of 12 sessions, but this is dependent upon your individual goals and concerns.

Here’s what to expect in Depression Therapy:

WEEK ONE: Intake

During this initial session, you and your therapist will have the opportunity to work together to begin to understand what is really going on in your world. Your therapist will get to know you by asking questions about your unique concerns. And, together the two of you will start to develop a plan for your time that will help you to establish and reach your goals.

WEEK TWO and Beyond: Depression Therapy

Each session is designed to help you dive deep into the underlying causes of your depression. Together, you and your therapist will identify thinking patterns that may exacerbate your depressive symptoms. You will also spend time exploring your life story and the beliefs that may contribute to negative coping patterns.

You and your therapist will work together to help you interrupt negative thinking patterns and to learn new skills to help raise your mood. The two of you will also dive deep into exploring the causes of your depression so you can become curious about where it comes from and how to best overcome it.

WEEK TWO and Beyond: Depression Counseling

Each session is designed to help you dive deep into the underlying causes of your depression. Together, you and your therapist will identify thinking patterns that may exacerbate your depressive symptoms. You will also spend time exploring your life story and the beliefs that may contribute to negative coping patterns.

You and your therapist will work together to help you interrupt negative thinking patterns and to learn new skills to help raise your mood. The two of you will also dive deep into exploring the causes of your depression so you can become curious about where it comes from and how to best overcome it.

woman getting depression help with psychologist in Simi Valley, CA

TERMINATION: 1-2 Final Sessions

In your final sessions, you and your therapist will review your goals to ensure you are satisfied with your counseling experience and that the work you have done together has met your expectations. You will also outline a plan going forward so that you are able to retain what the two of you have worked on together and implement all you have learned outside of session.

More About Simi Psychological Group

Our licensed therapists in Simi Valley have years of experience working with depression and we understand just how debilitating a deep lingering sadness can be. As therapists, our job is to walk alongside you, encouraging you in the utilization of appropriate skills and to help you break free from the struggles you are currently facing.

We want you to feel like life makes more sense, and we want to help you to connect to the best parts of you with more clarity, ownership of self, and control over the direction of your life, not a victim of circumstances, but an active participant in a full and joyful life.
Simi Psychological Group works from a systems perspective which means our job is to help you and your partner understand not only how every aspect of your life is connected, but how you are interconnected with those around you as well. Life is not lived in a vacuum, and therapy with us is about working through the deep-rooted concerns that are keeping your relationship stuck. We wholeheartedly believe you can take control over the direction of your life, you both just need to be willing to trust yourselves in the process.
Therapists and psychologists in Simi Valley, Ca in need of depression therapy Simi Valley, Ca

Who Benefits Most from Depression Help

Therapy for people who feel depressed is best for those who realize they are having more bad days than good.

All people experience moments when they feel sad or blue, but sometimes, these feelings can be heightened and significantly take over day to day life.

You will benefit from Depression Counseling if:
You feel deep emotional pain or a sense of bleakness

You are having trouble engaging in things you used to enjoy


You feel inadequate and hopeless


You experience feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or ongoing sadness


You feel like you have no control over the direction of your life

There are certain situations where you might not be ready for counseling sessions with Simi Psychological Group.

These situations include, but are not limited to:
Clients who are not ready to try something different
Those who do not want to invest the time or money that it takes to make change happen
Clients who cannot commit to regular attendance
Those needing to use insurance for direct reimbursement
Clients who want the therapist to do all the work

What Does Depression Therapy Cost?

Depression Counseling is a fee for service program, and we accept all major forms of payment. The session fees depend upon the clinician you and your family choose to see for treatment. Please contact us directly for our individual fees.

Due to our desire to make sure you maintain maximum privacy and wanting to provide you with the highest level of care possible without constraints from managed care, we are out-of-network providers. This means we do not accept reimbursement directly from insurance.

However, the good news is that your health insurance may reimburse you for a portion of the fee. PPO insurances typically reimburse around 50%. Unfortunately, HMO, Medi-Cal, and Medicare insurances do not reimburse as they require that you see someone on their panel. We encourage you to find out more regarding your eligibility for out-of-network benefits. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork to submit to your plan for reimbursement.

When and Where Can I Schedule a Depression Therapy Session in Simi Valley?

Our office is conveniently located at:

3695 Alamo St. Suite 103
Simi Valley, CA 93063.

We also serve Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills, Northridge, Porter Ranch, and the surrounding communities.

In addition, we offer online therapy in Los Angeles, Ventura County and throughout California.

Business hours and availability are dependent on the provider.

Interested in Online Depression Therapy?

Online depression therapy can be convenient and beneficial for many reasons. You can attend therapy sessions from the comfort of your home or safe space. All you need is WiFi. We use a secure, confidential video platform to ensure the utmost privacy. If you are waking up one day feeling depressed with little to no energy, you don’t need to worry about getting ready to go out in public. It can initially be hard to recognize when you are in a depressive episode. We want to ensure that you are receiving the support you deserve. We give you the flexibility to meet your therapist on your own terms. We are still 100% focused on you when you are struggling, even if we are not face to face. Our therapists at Simi Psychological Group are dedicated to providing you with the most convenient, comfortable, and practical service.

Your Next Steps

You absolutely can find the power to rise above the feelings that are pulling you down. You will be able to devise a plan that feels true to you and helps you surpass your emotional struggles. You will also make clear, definitive choices about the direction you want your life to go.
Overcoming these bleak feelings may seem a long way off right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start to on the path to healing. You just need the support of a caring professional while you figure it out.

You will gain clarity, and regain your sense of self.

And you’ll also shift out of going through the motions to be able to actively engage in your life once again. In the end, you will have more happy days than sad ones.