ADHD Testing in Simi Valley, Ca

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You are considering ADHD testing for your child. It can be very difficult seeing your child struggle.

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often find it difficult to stop moving, keep track of what is asked of them, and control impulses. With these challenges, children with ADHD regularly find themselves getting in trouble and having difficulty with peers. Left untreated, these difficulties can start affecting how a child is feeling about themselves.

As children continue to struggle in school, with friends, and at home, they may begin to feel that something is wrong with them. Despite their best efforts, these kids continue to find themselves upsetting others.

At school, they may be labeled as the ‘bad listeners,’ have trouble sitting still and speak out when they are supposed to be quiet. They can have trouble completing their work, remembering to turn in assignments, or staying focused on what is happening in class.

Despite most children with ADHD having average or even above average intelligence, they may find themselves struggling to keep up in school.

With their peers, kids with ADHD often have a hard time controlling their impulses. They may find themselves having frequent arguments with peers and having difficulty slowing themselves down. These kids may get labeled as difficult to play with or “mean.” Too often, kids with ADHD feel different than others and rejected by their peers.

parents of children with ADHD report frequent arguments with their child.

At home, whether it’s needing constant reminders, forgetfulness, or seeming to never sit still, the home environment can feel tense and chaotic. Parents often feel at a loss. They may try to punish for some of these behaviors, but with little success. Similarly, discussions and explanations seem to have little effect.

It can truly be overwhelming as a parent trying to help your child with these struggles. You may feel you are doing everything you can, and nothing seems to be working. Likely, your child is having similar thoughts and may be feeling poorly about themselves.

boy sitting against a large stack of books with an expression of sadness
Fortunately, with a better understanding of what is going on for your child, you can finally have the answers and guidance you are looking for. The ADHD testing process can determine if a diagnosis of ADHD truly does reflect what is occurring for your child.

With this information, a clearer picture of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and resources for support, you can finally feel there is a path forward.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects many children and adults. There are many symptoms related to ADHD, but the most common symptoms are issues with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.

Children with ADHD may struggle with one of these areas more than others or a combination of symptoms.

There are three types of ADHD diagnoses:

ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive Type:

Children with this diagnosis display various combinations of hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. These include seeming to always be moving, fidgety, or restless. Impulsive behaviors are also common including blurting out comments, snatching things, knocking things over, etc. They may struggle to think ahead or realize potential consequences for their behavior.

ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type:

Children with this diagnosis display difficulties staying focused, keeping track of tasks, and may be disorganized. Because these children do not display hyperactive or impulsive behaviors, their symptoms are often missed. These children often make simple mistakes on their work (e.g. doing addition for a subtraction problem), forget to turn things in, or appear as they are not listening when someone is talking to them.

ADHD Combined Type:

Children with this diagnosis display both symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity as well as symptoms of inattention.

Who is the right fit for ADHD testing?

If your child consistently displays symptoms of hyperactivity, acts impulsively, or struggles with attention, an ADHD evaluation may be warranted. A key question to ask yourself is if these behaviors are interfering in your child’s life.

When these symptoms are leading to getting in trouble frequently, losing friends, poor school performance, and/or difficulties at home it may be time to have your child evaluated to see if he/she has ADHD.

Learn more about the ADHD testing process:

At Simi Psychological Group, a neuropsychological evaluation for ADHD involves several different areas of evaluation:

Step 1: Comprehensive Developmental Interview

First, the child’s parents will answer questions to learn more about their child’s early years. These questions include learning about any developmental issues as well as when issues first became apparent.

During this interview, parents will also answer questions related to their child’s current functioning and detail difficulties their child may be experiencing. Parents will answer questions related to specific symptoms of ADHD to obtain a better picture of how these symptoms currently interfere for their child.

Part of this portion of the ADHD testing process also includes obtaining a clearer understanding of how symptoms occur at school. With the parents’ permission, the teacher will also be contacted to describe the child’s strengths, as well as any issues that may occur at school.

Step 2: IQ Test

An IQ test is administered to estimate the child’s intelligence. More specifically, there are several areas of intelligence (or cognition) measured during this assessment. These areas include short-term memory and processing speed, which are often relative areas of weakness for children with ADHD.

Other areas assessed during the IQ test include verbal intelligence, reasoning abilities, and visual-spatial skills. During this process, a snapshot of a child’s strengths/weaknesses in intellectual functioning emerges, and can help determine if the cognitive profile is indicative of ADHD.

Step 2: IQ Test

An IQ test is administered to estimate the child’s intelligence. More specifically, there are several areas of intelligence (or cognition) measured during this assessment. These areas include short-term memory and processing speed, which are often relative areas of weakness for children with ADHD.

Other areas assessed during the IQ test include verbal intelligence, reasoning abilities, and visual-spatial skills. During this process, a snapshot of a child’s strengths/weaknesses in intellectual functioning emerges, and can help determine if the cognitive profile is indicative of ADHD.

Boy with impulsivity playing with lego after getting help with ADHD test in Simi Valley, Ca

Step 3: Academic Testing

An academic assessment is also included as part of a comprehensive evaluation for ADHD. This allows us to screen for possible learning disabilities, which is especially important as children with ADHD are more likely to also have a learning disability.

Additionally, an academic assessment indicates specific areas of strength/weakness for a child including how issues with impulsivity and distractedness may be affecting their academic performance.

Step 4: Attentional Assessments

These assessments measure very specific areas of executive functioning, which refers to the mind’s ability to do tasks such as planning, keeping focus, shifting attention, etc. These assessments provide insight into specific processes that may be affected in a child and help determine areas to target.

By having a better overall picture of how issues such as impulsivity, poor attention, and difficulties responding to multiple rules at once, we can start to put together a plan that is individualized for the child’s unique needs.

Step 4: Attentional Assessments

These assessments measure very specific areas of executive functioning, which refers to the mind’s ability to do tasks such as planning, keeping focus, shifting attention, etc. These assessments provide insight into specific processes that may be affected in a child and help determine areas to target.

By having a better overall picture of how issues such as impulsivity, poor attention, and difficulties responding to multiple rules at once, we can start to put together a plan that is individualized for the child’s unique needs.

Girl with high energy in the garden in need of ADHD test in Thousand Oaks, ca

Step 5: Individualized Recommendations

At the end of the ADHD testing process, parents receive a full, detailed report describing the results. This report includes specific, individualized recommendations based on the child’s results.

These recommendations include strategies for support at home, specific recommendations for the school setting, and information for other services that can help address the child’s needs.

An ADHD evaluation can be the first step in feeling more confident in what you can do to help your child.

The process provides more understanding of what may be happening for your child as well as specific recommendations moving forward.

At Simi Psychological Group, we know this can be a confusing and overwhelming process. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and are here to guide you through the assessment process. Call now to schedule a free consultation (805) 842-1994.

More About Simi Psychological Group

Dr. John Danial

Licensed Psychologist PSY 29170

Psychologist providing psychological evaluations Thousand Oaks ca
Dr. John Danial is passionate about helping parents truly understand what their children and adolescents are dealing with every day. He desires to help you get to the bottom of the problems and to get the feedback that psychological testing can provide so that you can get the tools necessary to create real change. Children who receive the right services based upon a detailed evaluation can better thrive in their lives. Dr. Danial has had many years of experience providing neuropsychological assessments and feels confident in his ability to provide a detailed report that will help your child’s future.

Our practice works from a systems perspective.

Which means our job is to help your child understand not only how every aspect of their life is connected, but how they are interconnected with those around them as well. Life is not lived in a vacuum, and therapy with us is about working through the deep-rooted concerns that are keeping your child stuck. We wholeheartedly believe your child can take control over the direction of their life, they just need to be willing to trust themselves in the process.
Simi Psychological Group team provides psychological evaluations near Thousand Oaks ca

Where and When Can I schedule an ADHD Evaluation in Simi Valley, Ca

Our office is conveniently located at:

3695 Alamo St. Suite 103
Simi Valley, CA 93063.

We also serve Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills, Northridge, Porter Ranch, and the surrounding communities.

Business hours and availability are dependent on the provider.

Your Next Steps

Your child can begin the process of uncovering any underlying disorders which may be contributing to the difficulties they’re experiencing in life. A formalized assessment will be able to bring clarity to what your child is really facing. It will also give them the power and knowledge they need to embody long-lasting change.
Identifying what is really going on may feel really intimidating right now, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find the strength to gather the information. You just need a proper course of psychological tests and the support to navigate the answers they reveal.

ADHD testing will help you and your child move forward with dignity and get the answers you need.

And they’ll also bring clarity to the questions you have had for so long. Ultimately, knowing the answers will provide you with a sense of peace that comes from finally having a plan. We can help.