Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy

Help you better understand yourself and your partner
Get Started Now

For the longest time, it seems like you and your partner have been caught in a destructive cycle.

The stresses of life and the issues you face on a daily basis are taking their toll on your relationship. And for the first time since you’ve been together, you’re not sure you’re headed in the same direction.
Man and woman sitting around candles watching the sunset.
couple sitting together beside lake

Whether due to things beyond your control like infertility…

… an unexpected childhood diagnosis, or adding a new baby to the family, big stressors are continuing to divide you.

You both know that you can’t go on feeling this miserable, disconnected, and misunderstood. And you’re ready for guidance from the right professional.

You know your relationship is cold and distant. 

You and your partner rarely do anything fun together anymore…

You’re constantly talking or arguing about the kids, or chores, or other responsibilities, but you tend to not to talk about your hopes, dreams, feelings, or needs.

It’s like you lost a partner in life and gained a roommate, or worse, an enemy. Sex and intimacy is not what it used to be. You are longing for more but you don’t know how to get there.

It’s painful to realize that the very place you long to feel understood and valued is the very place you struggle to find peace. You and your partner are drifting apart, and the emotional toll is overwhelming. Sometimes you wonder if one or both of you would be better if you didn’t stay in the relationship, but that isn’t really what you want.

a couple sitting in a cafe discussing having a frustrating conversation
Lately, the two of you just seem so lost. You have no idea who you are as an individual anymore, and you certainly don’t know who you are as a couple. Continuing to have the same disagreements and arguments without finding solutions for them is making you feel like there is no end to an unhappy cycle.

You would love to be able to learn the skills and tools necessary to get you back on the right track.

You would love to reconnect and to find one another again.

You long to have meaningful discussions rather than conflict

You would love have hope that something positive will come out of this difficult period.

A lot of the time you feel hopeless and wonder if your relationship will succeed, and you wish you could better understand your partner and actually be understood in return. You both long for your needs to be met, but resentment has gotten in the way, and you feel the disconnect way too often.

You truly want to be a happy couple again and to go through life together.

But you have no idea how to set aside your pride and reach out to each other. You never imagined it would get to this point. And you certainly didn’t expect to feel like your relationship has been downgraded by disappointment.

You truly want to be a happy couple again and to go through life together.

But you have no idea how to set aside your pride and reach out to each other. You never imagined it would get to this point. And you certainly didn’t expect to feel like your relationship has been downgraded by disappointment.
happy couple post affair recovery and infertility issues in marriage counseling in Simi valley ca
A paper with the title, how to stop one-upping your partner in an argument. An image on the paper is of a couple sitting in a cage looking upset.

Download our How to Stop 1-Upping Your Partner in an Argument

When You Attend Couples therapy for Your Relationship Problems With Simi Psychological Group

You will learn to hear and meet each other’s needs without overreacting emotionally
You will be able to tolerate discussions rather than resort to conflict
You will learn to become partners again instead of enemies

You will learn to reconnect intimately and sexually again

You will both focus on building yourselves individually which allows you more space to reconnect

The Couples Counseling Process

Couples Therapy is intended to help you better understand yourself and your partner, to reconnect with each other, and to have the skills and awareness to truly meet each other where you are rather than trying to change or fight each other.
You, your partner, and your therapist will work together to help you both learn to become vulnerable and honest while being able to tolerate the uncomfortable responses and feedback from your partner. Together, you will practice the skills of listening, validating, respecting, and connecting. When these things happen, intimacy can grow.
You and your therapist will meet together weekly for 50-minute sessions. Typically, couples counseling continues for a minimum of 12 sessions, but this is dependent upon your individual relationship goals and concerns.

Here’s what to expect in Couples Therapy in Simi Valley, Ca:

WEEK ONE: Intake

During this initial marriage counseling session, you, your partner, and your therapist will have the opportunity to work together to begin to understand what is really going on in your world. Your therapist will get to know the two of you by asking questions about your unique relationship concerns. And, together the three of you will start to develop a plan for your time that will help you to establish and reach your goals.

WEEK TWO and Beyond: Couples Counseling & sex therapy 

Each Simi Valley couples therapy session is designed to help you dive deep into the underlying causes of disconnection. Together, the two of you and your therapist will identify how each of you as individuals contributes to your relationship as a whole. The goal is for both of you to feel comfortable and confident in who you are, which makes you more willing to be vulnerable and share yourselves with each other. This leads to an even deeper connection, better sex life, and stronger relationship.

WEEK TWO and Beyond: Couples Counseling

Each marriage counseling session is designed to help you dive deep into the underlying causes of disconnection. Together, the two of you and your therapist will identify how each of you as individuals contributes to your relationship as a whole. The goal is for both of you to feel comfortable and confident in who you are, which makes you more willing to be vulnerable and share yourselves with each other. This leads to an even deeper connection and stronger relationship.

Couple in need of marriage help post affair recovery in marriage counseling Simi valley ca

TERMINATION: 1-2 Final Sessions

In your final sessions of couples therapy, you, your partner, and your therapist will review your goals to ensure you are satisfied with your counseling experience and that the work you have done together has met your expectations. You will also outline a plan going forward so that you and your partner are able to retain what you have worked on together and implement all you have learned outside of session.

More About Simi Psychological Group

Our Simi Valley therapists have years of experience working with couples and are passionate about creating effective change with our clients. As therapists, our job is to walk alongside you and your partner, encouraging you to use appropriate relationship skills and helping you both break free from the struggles your partnership is currently facing.

We want you and your partner to feel like life makes more sense, and we want to help you to connect to the best parts of your relationship with more clarity, ownership of self, and control over the direction of your lives together. Not as victims of your circumstances, but as active participants in a full and joyful life.
Simi Psychological Group works from a systems perspective which means our job is to help you and your partner understand not only how every aspect of your life is connected, but how you are interconnected with those around you as well. Life is not lived in a vacuum, and therapy with us is about working through the deep-rooted concerns that are keeping your relationship stuck. We wholeheartedly believe you can take control over the direction of your life, you both just need to be willing to trust yourselves in the process.
 Simi Psychological Group Team photo helping affair recovery, infertility, and conflict for those in need of marriage counseling Simi Valley, Ca

Who Benefits Most from Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy in Simi Valley

Couples Therapy in Simi Valley, Ca is best for those who want to overcome the distance in their relationships and replace it with positive connection.

All couples go through rough times, but sometimes it’s beneficial to have an independent and skilled third party to help you make sense of what is going on and to help you to gain the tools to make positive change in your relationship.

You will benefit from Couples Therapy if:

You are each willing to make changes in yourselves to positively impact your marriage
You are seeking better skills for communication and conflict resolution
You want to feel connected rather than distant in your relationship
You want to successfully overcome pain from infidelity, infertility, or other difficult life transitions
You are willing to be vulnerable and honest while respecting the other’s voice

There are certain situations where you might not be ready for couples therapy sessions with Simi Psychological Group.

These situations include, but are not limited to:
Those who think everything is their partner’s fault
Those who cannot get past their own defensiveness and learn to really listen
Current instances of domestic violence
Those who are not both willing to commit to doing the work of therapy
Those who want a quick fix and cannot commit to weekly sessions
Those needing to use insurance for direct reimbursement

What Does Couples Therapy Cost?

Couples Counseling is a fee for service program, and we accept all major forms of payment. The session fees depend upon the clinician you and your family choose to see for treatment. Please contact us directly for our individual fees.

Due to our desire to make sure you maintain maximum privacy and wanting to provide you with the highest level of care possible without constraints from managed care, we are out-of-network providers. This means we do not accept reimbursement directly from insurance.

However, the good news is that your health insurance may reimburse you for a portion of the fee. PPO insurances typically reimburse around 50%. Unfortunately, HMO, Medi-Cal, and Medicare insurances do not reimburse as they require that you see someone on their panel. We encourage you to find out more regarding your eligibility for out-of-network benefits. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork to submit to your plan for reimbursement.

When and Where Can I Schedule a Marriage Counseling Session in Simi Valley?

Our office is conveniently located at:

3695 Alamo St. Suite 103
Simi Valley, CA 93063.

We also serve Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills, Northridge, Porter Ranch, and the surrounding communities. 

In addition, we offer online therapy in Los Angeles, Ventura County and throughout California.

Business hours and availability are dependent on the provider.

Interested in Online Marriage Therapy?

Online marriage counseling and online couples therapy offers a strong convenience for many couples. Does the commute make it hard for you to coordinate schedules with your partner? Our telehealth video platform allows you to be separated on different devices – meaning, you can attend therapy from two different areas. Going online provides you peace of mind. It’s convenient, comfortable, and practical. You don’t need to worry about rushing over after work, or skipping dinner for a session. You can attend our online therapy from the comfort of your room. Our therapists at Simi Psychological Group want to help you better understand yourself and your partner.

Your Next Steps

It is entirely possible to improve your relationship if you and your partner are both willing to work at it. You will both be able to better understand each other and learn to connect rather than push each other away. You will also learn the tools and skills to resolve conflicts in a healthy way.
Taking both personal responsibility and responsibility as a couple for the issues you face may seem impossible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take small steps toward reconnecting. You just need the support of a caring professional while you figure it out.

The two of you will gain clarity, and a sense of solidarity connection if you both strive to open yourselves up to each other.

And you’ll also enjoy being friends once again rather than acting as enemies or roommates. Ultimately, you’ll you will grow closer and develop strong skills to use for your entire journey. We can help.