5 Reasons You Should Consider Online Therapy

Are you considering online therapy? Nowadays, there is just so much going on in the world. From the start of COVID-19, we have seen spikes in unemployment rates, high medical bills. As well as increased loneliness and depression, anxiety, and more. As we are instructed to stay inside and reduce relocation, we can feel anxious in our spaces. Maybe you have a high health risk loved one that you want to protect. Maybe you want to protect yourself, or you have no preference for going out in person versus staying inside. All of us are coping with this pandemic differently, and it affects our lives in both big and small ways.

Eventually, this pandemic will pass. Businesses will reopen, we can stand shoulder to shoulder at concerts again, and things may seem to recover. However for now, we are still in the middle of it, waiting for it to turn over. 

man sitting on chair and laptop on table with lamp on

You may be struggling to be a single parent at home, juggling two kids while trying to work from home. Your teen may be struggling without social support. Struggling to not see her friends or teachers, which brings her an overwhelming sense of loneliness and sadness. You may be older, scared of risking going outside for getting sick. Whatever the reason may be, they are all entirely valid and should be treated as such.

Perhaps it plays out for you like this..

You feel so busy working your full-time job. Up early, and get off in the mid afternoon right in the middle of rush hour. You already had to drive halfway across town to pick up the kids from school during your lunch break.

You feel so tired of driving around, getting in and out of your car. Wanting to finally sit down and relax on your couch in the comfort of your home.

Lately, you’ve been feeling the pressure. The pressure of being a human in this world. You feel yourself getting anxious over little things, or maybe even bigger things that scare you. This newfound sense of worry and fear has gotten ahold of you.

You just want to get help for it, speak with someone every week or so to get ideas flowing. You feel so busy already. You already work Monday through Friday, and Saturday and Sundays are the only days you are free to spend time with your family. What options do you have?

Getting started with therapy can have its difficulties. You don’t know where to begin or who to contact – you just know you could use some support.

woman working on laptop while drinking coffee and sitting on bed

At Simi Psychological Group, we are continuing to have in-person sessions. We however recognize that there are so many benefits to online counseling as well. Even after the pandemic passes, online therapy is still a practical way to access therapeutic resources. Our team of therapists and psychologists are offering online therapy in Los Angeles, Ventura County and throughout California. 

5 Reasons You Should Consider Online Therapy Reason One: Convenience

Online counseling is very efficient and convenient. With less of a need to plan your entire day around therapy, you’re able to fit in a time slot from the convenience of your home, job, or out somewhere that has wifi. You don’t need to worry about getting stuck in traffic, missing your bus, or having a late Uber driver pick you up. 

Also, it is much easier for you to be on time with your therapist for your scheduled meeting. All you need to do is consent to receive our appointment reminders, which we send through text and email, to ensure that you are available during that time. By logging on at exactly 3:59pm to meet your 4:00pm appointment time, you have power and control in practicing timeliness with your therapist.

Reason Two: Need

Therapy is becoming a growing necessity, although unfortunately some may not be able to readily receive it. In rural areas where there is a lack of therapists available, it can be tough for those who are wanting to seek help. Online counseling in Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley provides the flexibility to get the therapy services you need and deserve. You can easily connect from the comfort of your own home. 

During these uncertain times of COVID19, we are facing a lot of stressors and challenges. Even without a pandemic going on, the world is harsh enough as it is. It can be difficult to find someone you connect with and feel comfortable sharing personal experiences with. 

woman in olive green sweater working on computer in office

Now, you can consult with therapists and speak virtually when determining if they are a good fit. You do not need to drive to their office, get familiar with their location, only to find out that it wasn’t a good match.

5 Reasons You Should Consider Online Therapy Reason Three: Comfort

If you’re wanting to roll out of bed 5 minutes prior to the appointment to brush your hair and post up with a cup of joe, you most certainly can do that. Online therapy in Los Angeles gives you the convenience to attend therapy from wherever you are most comfortable. 

You don’t need to worry about rushing to get ready in the morning, or rushing to arrive after a work shift. It can be stressful to be preoccupied with something all day, and then need to rush over just to make it in time for your therapy appointment. 

What if you wake up in the morning feeling a bit sick, yet still want to see your therapist? In order to keep both you and your therapist safe and healthy, telehealth therapy is a great option that allows you to speak with your therapist directly, even if you feel a little groggy that day. 

Reason four: Security

During teletherapy, it’s just you and your therapist. No one else is allowed around unless they are invited to be with consent from both parties. Therapists ensure that they are in a quiet, private area to help address every concern you may have in full confidence that no one can hear them. The platform that we use at Simi Psychological Group is Telehealth, a confidential, HIPAA compliant video platform that you can use in confidence. Sometimes, we can feel insecure about driving up to our therapy office in fear of seeing someone we know. 

woman sitting on floor with coffee and phone taking support of sofa and working on laptop

Maybe it’s waiting in the waiting room, sitting around with other people waiting to be called that makes you feel uncomfortable. You don’t need to worry about your social anxiety rising up, as you can choose your safe place to sit and have a conversation.

If you struggle with social anxiety or agoraphobia, you feel extreme discomfort in leaving your home to go outside and run regular errands, go to appointments, and more. It may be stressful to even consider getting ready for the day to drive over to your therapist office. 

5 Reasons You Should Consider Online Therapy Reason Five: Expert, qualified help at your fingertips

Telehealth therapy in Ventura County provides you the security you need to feel while having a therapy session. You wouldn’t want your sessions to be recorded, shared, or hear from people nearby. At Simi Psychological Group, our team of highly experienced and professional therapists are here to ensure that you are safe to share any information with us. Having easy access to specialized therapists is important as there may not be many that are in-person near you. 

Our therapists at Simi Psychological Group give you the rundown of how we are HIPAA compliant, our privacy policies, our confidentiality policies, and more to provide a peaceful state of mind, knowing that our sessions are just between the two of us. We provide all necessary documentation and paperwork to inform you of exactly how our video sessions go. 

Now Offering Online Therapy in Los Angeles, Online Counseling Ventura County and online therapy in California 

At our Simi Valley Therapy Practice we offer Child therapy and family counseling, Teen therapy, Anxiety Treatment, Depression Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Neuropsychological Testing

