“Why should I go to therapy? Things aren’t really that bad. I should be able to manage things on my own. I’m fine, really.” Have you ever had thoughts like this or heard someone else express these thoughts? If so, you’re not alone. Therapy can be a confusing or even intimidating concept for many. It’s easy to find excuses to avoid it or put it off. If you find yourself struggling but aren’t sure if therapy is right for you, Simi Psychological Group is here to answer your questions and help you navigate the process.
As Simi Valley and Moorpark’s leading team of therapists,
psychologists, and mental health advocates, we understand there are many issues that bring people into therapy. Here are 7 good reasons to see a therapist.
Why go to therapy? 7 Good Reasons to See a Therapist (check out below!)
1) STRESS! → Are you one spilled latte away from a breakdown?
Life can be nuts and it feels like the pressure is always on. When life becomes overwhelming, it can start to affect you your mental health as well as your physical well-being. Thoughts such as, “What’s wrong with me? I should be able to manage this,” are very common but only add to the stress. It may feel like you’re drowning, it may feel like you’re on the edge of “losing it,” you may feel isolated and start comparing yourself (negatively) to others. You may experience tension headaches, stomach issues, or find your sleep is affected dramatically.
Regardless of the situation, big-time stress is a great reason to seek the support of a Simi therapist.
2) Life Transitions → Happy, sad, and everything in between!
Divorce, moving, loss of a job, retirement, becoming an empty nester, school transitions…these can all be examples of life events that are often painful and uncomfortable. And surprisingly enough, even joyful events such as the birth of a child, marriage, entering the workforce, or going to college can create stress.
Often people don’t think about going to see a therapist for these happy occasions because they “feel guilty” for struggling and feel like they “should just be happy.” But positive life events, while exciting, can also be scary and overwhelming.
Whatever the case, adjusting to your “new normal” is often quite difficult. Seeing a therapist during these times will help ease that transition, whether it’s a happy, sad, or somewhere-in-between situation.
3) Depression → When that “down in the dumps” feeling lingers…and lingers…and lingers.
Maybe it’s getting harder to put on that smile and pretend you’re fine when you most definitely are not. Maybe you find yourself crying alone in the shower more often. Perhaps it’s getting harder and harder to get out of bed each day. You’ve lost interest in things you used to enjoy and you just can’t shake this mood.
Everyone experiences sadness, but when that sad mood persists for weeks at a time without much of a break, that’s a good indication you’re struggling with depression. Depression impacts us physically and emotionally. You’re sleeping either too much or too little and possibly eating either too much or too little. You cry at the drop of a hat, or else every little thing irritates the heck out of you. You’re exhausted. You can’t seem to focus on things yet you might find that you don’t even care. You may be feeling hopeless, and you may experience dark thoughts.
If you’re struggling with your mood and any of these things sound familiar, our caring team of therapists and psychologists in Moorpark is available to offer the support you need and deserve!
If you are going through a loss such a grieving a loved one a grief counselor can support you during this very difficult time. Having a go to person to talk things through and be a support for you can make all the difference. Grief counseling in Simi Valley is offered at Simi Psychological Group.
4) Anxiety → “Please hold on while I overthink this.” When worrying feels out of control!
Sweaty palms, racing heart, thoughts spiraling out of control, feeling like the room is closing in on you, constantly overthinking things to the point where you can’t enjoy an experience…these are common symptoms of anxiety. It can be debilitating and truly interfere with your ability to live your life. But it doesn’t have to!
Our experienced therapists and psychologists have the knowledge to help you feel less anxious and build coping skills to help you feel more at peace.
We offer both individual as well as group therapy that addresses anxiety and reminds you that you are not alone.
5) Trauma → You’ve been through some serious stuff!
If you’ve experienced a traumatic event, it’s easy to feel like no one could possibly understand what you’ve been through. You don’t know how to talk about what happened. It feels like the floodgates will open and you’ll never be whole again. You’ve tried to talk through it with friends, but there aren’t any words to describe the pain, shame, and fear you have experienced.
At Simi Psychological Group near Moorland, we have trauma-informed therapists and psychologists who actually “get it.” Therapists who won’t be shocked by your story. Instead, they will understand how many different areas of your life have been affected by what you went through.
Our trauma therapists can provide the support and guidance to help you heal the wounds of your past. Together, you can learn valuable coping skills and move on with your life.
6) Relationship woes → “They’re driving me crazy!”
Does it feel like you’ve lost a partner in life and gained a roommate, or worse, an enemy? Are sex and intimacy just not what they used to be? You are longing for more but you don’t know how to get there.
It’s painful to realize that the very place you long to feel understood and valued is the very place you struggle to find peace. You and your partner are drifting apart, and the emotional toll is overwhelming.
Let’s face it, relationships are hard!
Our marriage therapists near Moorpark are trained in communication and can assist couples and families in how to decrease conflict, strengthen connections, and love one another well. If you’re experiencing relationship woes, call today to get your relationship back on track.
7) Self-Improvement- You’re just looking for more!
Sometimes there are little things that have a big impact. Seeing a therapist to work on some healthier coping strategies, communication tips, or just to have a place to vent and get support is more than acceptable…it’s awesome.
There are times when a little work in advance can really save us some heartache later, so therapy for overall self-improvement is always a great idea.
At Simi Psychological Group, we offer both individual therapy as well as specific groups that target various needs. Check out our current group therapy options to learn more about this type of support, or call to inquire about individual therapy.
Why go to therapy? So you can live your best life.
Simi Psychological Group near Moorpark has an extraordinary team of therapists and mental health advocates to help you do just that. Whether you are looking for a team of group therapy specialists or exploring the many therapy modalities, speak with our team of professionals by calling (805) 842-1994.
Dr. Novak is the group practice owner and licensed psychologist at Simi Psychological Group a therapy practice in Simi Valley, California. Simi Psychological Group offers a variety of services including trauma therapy, couples therapy, anxiety therapy, teen therapy, and more. Simi Psychological Group emphasizes the importance of creating real change by making sure to get to the root of your struggles.