What Can Group Therapy Do for Me? 8 Ways Group Therapy Can Help

“I’m really more of a private person.” “I just don’t like talking in front of new people.” “I feel like I can get more out of individual therapy.” These are just a few reasons people often dismiss the idea of group therapy.

But group therapy Simi Valley can actually be very beneficial. While being vulnerable around a group of strangers may feel daunting, group therapy is a powerful resource for individuals grappling with various psychological, emotional, and interpersonal challenges. Rooted in the principles of shared experiences, empathy, and mutual support, group therapy offers a unique avenue for healing and growth.

At Simi Psychological Group, our experienced and compassionate therapists offer a range of therapy groups to meet your needs.

Here we will take a look at 8 ways group therapy can have a profoundly healing impact on individuals navigating the complexities of life.

1.   Group therapy helps form connections and develop a sense of belonging:

While individuals may differ in their comfort level around others, human beings overall are inherently social creatures, seeking connections and a sense of belonging. When we’re struggling with something, not feeling alone matters.

Group therapy in Simi Valley fosters an environment where individuals can relate to others facing similar struggles, thereby alleviating feelings of isolation and loneliness. The camaraderie within the group cultivates a profound sense of belonging, empowering participants to realize that they are not alone in their journey.

2.   Group therapy validates and normalizes experiences:

A group of nine people are seated in a circle in a brightly lit room engaged in conversation

In a group setting, individuals often discover that their experiences, thoughts, and emotions are not bizarre, weird, or foolish, but are, rather, shared by others.

This validation and normalization are pivotal in reducing shame and self-criticism, fostering self-acceptance, and promoting emotional healing.

Through witnessing the experiences of fellow group members, individuals gain perspective and recognize the universality of human struggles.

For example, for those struggling with anxiety, group therapy is very effective. Check out our blog Does Group Therapy Work for Anxiety for more.

3.   Group therapy offers opportunities for self-reflection and insight:

Group therapy serves as a reflective mirror, offering individuals insights into their own patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

Interactions with other group members allow for valuable feedback and alternative perspectives, challenging maladaptive beliefs and facilitating personal growth. Through engaging in meaningful dialogue and introspection, participants gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their interpersonal dynamics.

4.   Group therapy leads to the development of coping skills and resilience:

Navigating through life’s adversities requires resilience and adaptive coping strategies. Group therapy offers a structured platform for learning and practicing coping skills in a supportive environment. Through role-playing, guided exercises, and peer feedback, individuals acquire new tools to manage stress, regulate emotions, and navigate interpersonal challenges effectively. Moreover, witnessing the resilience of fellow group members instills hope and inspires personal growth.

5.   Group therapy improves interpersonal skills and enhances social support:

A diverse group of people place their hands together in a show of unity and teamwork

Group therapy serves as a microcosm of social interactions, providing a safe space for individuals to practice and refine their interpersonal skills.

Through active listening, assertiveness training, and conflict resolution exercises, participants learn to communicate effectively and establish healthy boundaries.

The group dynamic fosters a culture of empathy, compassion, and mutual support, enabling individuals to cultivate meaningful relationships both within and outside the group.

6.   Normalization of Help-Seeking Behavior:

In many cultures, seeking mental health support is stigmatized, leading individuals to suffer in silence. Group therapy challenges this stigma by normalizing help-seeking behavior and promoting mental health awareness.

By openly discussing their struggles and seeking support from peers, participants break down barriers and pave the way for destigmatizing mental illness. This normalization encourages others to seek help proactively, fostering a culture of wellness and resilience.

7.   Group therapy helps alleviate symptoms and improves emotional well-being:

Research has consistently demonstrated the efficacy of group therapy in alleviating symptoms of various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse disorders.                                                                               

Through the therapeutic alliance and collective support, individuals experience relief from distressing symptoms, leading to improvements in overall well-being and quality of life.


Group therapy often serves as a complement to individual therapy or medication management, offering holistic care that addresses the multifaceted nature of mental health.

8.   Group therapy leads to empowerment and a sense of agency:

Participating in group therapy empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing journey and reclaim a sense of agency over their lives. By sharing their stories, offering support to others, and engaging in collaborative problem-solving, participants recognize their inherent strengths and resilience. This empowerment instills a newfound sense of confidence and self-efficacy, enabling individuals to confront challenges with courage and determination.

You can read more about group therapy in our blog The Benefits of Group Therapy Sessions.

While there are many ways to address mental health and emotional well-being, group therapy in Simi Valley stands out as an opportunity to work toward personal goals in a setting where the dynamics are more similar to real life. This opportunity then allows you to learn to relate to others differently.  In group therapy, you also learn that you’re not alone. Many others experience the same struggles and are here to support your growth as you are supporting theirs.

Group therapy remains a powerful modality for promoting healing, growth, and transformation.

By fostering connections, validation, and self-reflection, group therapy with Simi Pyschological Group offers individuals a pathway toward self-discovery and personal empowerment. Through the cultivation of coping skills, resilience, and social support, participants embark on a journey of healing that transcends individual struggles.

Simi Psychological Group in Simi Valley and Moorpark offers mental health services to meet the needs of the whole family, including therapeutic groups! In addition, our experienced and compassionate therapists treat children, adolescents, and adults, and offer treatment for anxiety, trauma, and couples counseling as well.

Contact us today for more information or a free consultation at (805) 842-1994.

