5 Tips When Searching Marriage Counseling in Simi Valley 

You want to find the right marriage counselor for you and your partner. You know that it’s time to get some help and move your marriage along in the right direction. You are searching for “Marriage counseling in Simi Valley” in the hopes of finding a therapist that is nearby and more importantly is knowledgeable, and can understand you both. The truth is that you are just ready to start feeling better in your marriage but you don’t really want to get going with someone in therapy and not feel that you are moving forward in the right direction. 

Sign of Simi Valley, Ca

There are many tips to consider when searching for couples therapy in Simi Valley.

Tip 1: Reading their biography and psychology today profiles 

Tip 2: Fees and understanding how superbills work 

Tip 3: Scheduling individual consultations 

Tip 4: Consider both you are your partners desires in a therapist before choosing 

Tip 5: Following your intuition

Tip 1: Reading their biography and psychology today profiles

There is something to say about slowing down and getting a feel for their online profiles and if they are describing things in such a way that you can identify with their message online. Biographies that identify the pain points that one is going through with their approach to helping them deal with their struggles helps you understand how they would help you in that given situation. For example, on Oriyan Maor, AMFT’s biography he marks a pain point a couple may be experiencing saying “it could be that your relationship or marriage is falling apart, but you have faith that things can be resolved.” He then goes on to say that together you will rewrite your story to one that aligns with your vision for lives. These words can help you recognize his understanding of common pain points and how he would go about helping you in your therapeutic journey. Some website biographies can be too geared on the therapist’s degrees, experience, and other more professional lingo rather than keeping it at a more authentic level to the searcher.  

Man and woman in couples therapy session

Psychology today is another place to explore some of the language and expertise the therapist has and if that reflects what it is you are looking for (in this case marriage counseling or couples therapy in Simi Valley). Psychology today also has a video feature that many therapists upload and this can help you get a feel for the therapist. Of course, the combination of the biography and psychology today won’t be able to give you a full picture but can help you get a feel for their approach in the therapy room especially if they write their bio in a helpful way. 

Tip 2: Fees and understanding how superbills work 

There are many factors to consider when finding a therapist. Understanding how insurance works with outpatient therapy services is very helpful. Therapists can either be in network with insurance or out of network. Therapists that are in a network you can find directly through your insurance and a helpful tool also is to go to psychology today and directly look up a therapist that accepts your insurance. However, many clients have trouble finding a therapist in their network either because they are full, don’t return calls often for this reason, or they can’t find someone in their network that feels like the right fit for them. Out of network is an option that many clients go for as many therapists are under this umbrella. In this case there are some questions that you are able to inquire with your insurance directly to help you get a better understanding of your out of network benefits. Many PPO insurances reimburse at 50% or more once a deductible is met. 

Weekly sessions are typically best to consider at the start of therapy and is something to keep in mind when considering starting with Simi Valley Marriage Counseling. You want to be able to get a strong momentum going in therapy so that you can get in a strong direction of growth while you are motivated and ready to get into the work of therapy. Therapy is an investment and can be a strong powerful investment in your future and in your marriage.  

Tip 3: Scheduling individual consultations

There are many Simi Valley couples therapists however the ones that take the time to connect with you and your partner to help you get a good understanding if it is the right fit are likely the better options. During a consultation you can ask many questions such as:

  1. What would it be like to be in the therapy process with you?
  2. What are some ways you work with _________ (affair recovery, sex, communication) in therapy? 
  3. What is your experience with __________? 

In addition to questions such as these it is often helpful to share a little about yourself and your partner and your struggles. You can pick up on their listening skills and ability for you to feel heard and understood by them. 

Man and woman holding hands with one another

Tip 4: Consider both you are your partners desires in a therapist before choosing 

It is helpful to consider the desires of both you and your partner when looking for “marriage counseling near me” in Simi Valley. There may be some factors that are important to your partner that would help the flow of therapy including gender or just an overall style. It is nice when both of you are able to make the decision of the therapist, however also keeping in mind that the first session often guides you so much in feeling if it is the right fit. If your partner has a strong preference for a particular gender and you are more flexible then it may be best to ensure their desire is met. This will allow for an increased chance to feel comfortable from the start of the process. 

Tip 5: Following your intuition

Your intuition is very important when it comes to so many things in life. When you are searching for a couples therapist that is right for you your intuition will also lead the way. There is something to say about not overthinking things too much and allowing space to follow your gut. After you reviewed therapists online, considered your partner’s desires, met with a consultation and considered fees then it is best to just go for the therapist that feels best. You may not even need to go through all the options before choosing. Oftentimes your intuition can come in by just reviewing the therapist or the organization online. 

At Simi Psychological Group we offer supportive and attuned marriage counseling in Simi Valley. We will guide you and your partner to get in alignment with your vision for your marriage. Reach out today for a free consultation (805) 842-1994

