
Read the stories of the clients we’ve helped break free.

“My therapist has helped me grow to authentically become the person I always wanted to be.”

When I began therapy, I was at my lowest. There were days that I barely got out of bed. My feelings scared me. I didn’t want to go back on medications, but I couldn’t pull it together on my own.

My therapist was different from any doctor I had seen. I sensed she was genuinely concerned for me, and never felt like she was pushing an agenda. She took the time to get to know me and my issues, and provide what I needed.

As I got better, she felt we didn’t need twice a week therapy anymore and we went down to once a week. Then, every other week. This showed me that my therapy truly was tailored to me and my needs.

Now, my therapist is more than a doctor to me. She’s a guide, a friend, a teacher, and family in my soul. She’s provided me with tools that truly work, sharing ways to grow, learn, and change. My therapist has helped me grow to authentically become the person I always wanted to be.

Not only do I see and feel a positive change, everyone in my life can see a dramatic positive change in me as well.

I have been able to find my voice after many years of being “the peacemaker” in my marriage.”

Before starting with my therapist, I was dealing with great anxiety and panic after a series of major life events. I struggled with sleep. Needed to constantly be “doing” something. Focused obsessively on cleaning and having a “place” for everything.

My therapist worked calmly with me and my spouse. She guided our sessions seamlessly, helping us to truly listen to each other and take the time in our busy lives to be calm, quiet, and reflective.

My life has evolved and continues to evolve.

I have found my “voice” after many years of being “the peacemaker” in my marriage. My spouse and I now communicate better and prioritize each other. I feel calmer about stating my feelings and needs, and my anxiety has lessened tremendously.

I continue to be a “work in progress” and greatly appreciate the ongoing guidance from my psychologist in our regular appointments. Growth can be scary, but I am learning it is an opportunity to experience a stronger and more connected marriage while staying true to myself, my needs, and my feelings.


“Therapy has played a crucial role in improving my life and helping me reconnect with myself.”

Before starting therapy, I had experienced rejection from my family, and I struggled with my mental health. At that low point, I had lost hope, but therapy became a necessary step forward — one I’m grateful I took.

Previous therapy had not helped at all. But working with Simi Psychological Group was life-changing. My therapist provided a safe space where I could openly discuss my struggles without judgment. He helped me see the good in life.

After several years of therapy, my life has changed dramatically. My favorite change has been learning to love myself and others again. I was holding so much anger and mistrust. I never liked anybody, but I’ve rebuilt relationships with my family and found an incredible woman I’m now engaged to.

Therapy has played a crucial role in improving my life and helping me reconnect with myself.

“The doctors at Simi Psychological Group are some of the most compassionate and insightful professionals I’ve ever encountered.”

My family has worked with Simi Psychological Group for many years as my kids grew up and navigated different challenges. They’ve been there for us whether we needed continuous or occasional support.

The doctors at Simi Psychological Group are some of the most compassionate and insightful professionals I’ve ever encountered.

Our therapist’s likable, easy-going personality makes kids, teens, and adults naturally comfortable. He has an intuitive ability to understand and empathize with his patients, offering practical strategies that have helped my family through various issues.

One time, when the office setting didn’t work, he offered to go for a walk and talk. Our therapist goes out of his way to be available, sometimes staying late for urgent appointments. This kind of compassion characterizes all the doctors at Simi Psychological Group.

Simi Psychological Group has also created invaluable parent support groups, providing a supportive community and practical tools that have helped many families, including ours.

I highly recommend Simi Psychological Group for anyone seeking a psychologist who genuinely cares and has the expertise to make a meaningful difference in their lives.

“My therapist made the environment comfortable, and I knew I could trust her.”

Before therapy, I struggled with anxiety, depression, and a tough relationship with my mom.

Working with my therapist was an amazing experience. I was surprised by how easy and comfortable I felt talking to her. Even though I was initially really anxious about therapy, she made the environment comfortable, and I knew I could trust her.

My therapist has helped me become the person I am today and gave me the tools I needed in life. Without her support, I don’t know where I would be.

My life is different, but it’s great. I’ve become more confident in myself and in expressing my emotions. Therapy has changed my life for the better and I couldn’t be happier!

“I feel more confident and less guilty being myself.”

Before therapy, I dealt with anxiety, depression, and general dissatisfaction with work, family, and life. I also experienced a lot of grief, trauma, and confusion from the loss of my mom.

My therapist is a patient listener. She is great at recognizing, breaking down, and understanding what you need in each session. Working with her is easy because she tries to understand your circumstances and beliefs, seeing things from your point of view.

She guides you to see what you need to see instead of giving you the answer, which I found effective as an engineer who loves to solve problems. When I solve a problem, the solution sticks with me. The next time I have the same thought, feeling, or situation, it’s easier to remember what I learned in therapy.

What surprised me most was how hard it was to break down the walls. I thought I was an open book, but it turns out I wasn’t. I needed to sit with the difficult feelings and process some of my trauma.

Though I still have a lot of work to do, I feel more confident. I feel less guilty being myself and setting boundaries, whether at work, with friends, or with family. Instead of trying to control my anger, anxiety, or grief, I give these emotions space to live. I understand they won’t last forever, and while sitting with them is uncomfortable, it’s the only way to make sure they don’t take over my life.

“My therapist challenges me in ways that no other therapist has — exactly what I need.”

When I started therapy, I was trying to come to terms with the death of a spouse, get a grip on my complicated relationship with my dead father, and navigate a new, emotionally abusive relationship.

My therapist challenges me in ways that no other therapist has — exactly what I need. Even when I come to the table with nothing, she teases out significant topics within a minute or so. I have no use for passive therapists who feel like emotional sponges.

My therapist is now an important and integrated part of my support system. I’m learning to be kinder to myself, and my confidence has increased. I’m now able to sit with my feelings and process them in a healthy way. I’ve developed a strong ability to acknowledge and respect boundaries. She has helped me become aware of my attachment wounds and identify those of others.


“I credit Simi Psychological Group for not only saving our marriage but also helping to make it  stronger and better than ever.”

My husband and I were playing out unhealthy patterns that had me thinking divorce was the only solution.

Our therapists have helped us break those patterns. They gave us new and healthy ways to communicate, parent, and deal with daily stressors.

I credit Simi Psychological Group for not only saving our marriage but also helping to make it stronger and better than ever.

“Working with our therapist has proven invaluable to my teenage child as we navigate divorce and other life events.”

Working with our therapist has proven invaluable to my teenage child as we navigate divorce and other life events.
She is the perfect balance between emotional support and realistic feedback. She is a calming force in an otherwise stressful period in our lives. I cannot say enough positive things about our experience.

“Our son has grown into a kind, strong, confident, well-rounded, empathetic person.”

We first sought therapy for our son to help with focus and school-related issues stemming from his ADHD diagnosis. Through therapy, we learned more about how his ADHD also manifested as anxiety.

Our therapist has a fantastic connection with our son. He’s helped our son better understand himself and navigate the world around him. As parents, we’ve also learned how to communicate better with our son and understand his point of view. Invaluable!!

Working with our therapist has helped our son through many difficult phases of his teen years. We’ve seen him grow into a kind, strong, confident, well-rounded, and empathetic person.

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